Andrzej Ruciński
Date | Topic | Comments |
1 III | Lecture 1 (doubled, instead of exercises): Matchings in general graphs | |
8 III | Lecture 2: Path covers (of directed graphs) | |
15 III | Lecture 3: Vertex Colorings | |
22 III | Lecture 4: Coloring planar graphs | |
29 III | Lecture 5: List colorings, edge colorings |
Mirzhakhani paper (for in-class presentation -- a volunteer needed) |
4 IV | Lecture 6: Edge colorings (Vizing's Theorem) | |
12 IV | Lecture 7: Coloring edges from lists | |
18 IV | Lecture 8: Perfect graphs: chordal graphs | |
25 IV | Lecture 9: Perfect graphs: weak conjecture | |
9 V | Lecture 10: Szemeredi's regularity lemma. | |
16 V | Lecture 11: Szemeredi's regularity lemma. | |
23 V | Lecture 12: The blow-up lemma. | |
30 V | Lecture 13: The Erdos-Stone Theorem via Blow-up Lemma. | |
6 VI | Exercises only: The Erdos-Stone Theorem via Blow-up Lemma. | |
21 VI | Lectute 14 (by Dr. Joanna Polcyn): Ramsey numbers for sparse graphs via Blow-up Lemma. | |
27 VI | (Optional) oral exam: 11:30am - 2pm, room B3-23 |